Dancing vase Gelli print
This time I was aiming to create a more dynamic composition. So this Dancing Vase print was born. I would say that with the Gelli Plate printmaking it’s only half about planning and another half about lucky (or not so lucky) accidents. No matter how much I plan, I typically end up with something a bit or a lot different. It’s just a part of the process and I like it.
Dancing Vase Gelli print
Ikebana Gelli print
This year I was planning to take a course on Ikebana, the ancient Japanese art of flower arrangement, but all in-person classes were canceled in our area. So I read a bit about the fundamental principles of Ikebana and decided to create my very own virtual arrangement in the form of a Gelli Plate print.
I layered paint for the background, then printed florals on top, and added some shading with colored pencils.
Ikebana Gelli Print
Experimenting with Gelli Plate printing
Here is a Rustic Bouquet print that I created using the Gelli Plate, acrylic gouache, and various acrylic mediums. This method doesn’t really allow for precision and fine details, so I finished my design with acrylic markers (yellow dots) and colored pencils (shading).
Rustic Bouquet Gelli print